Articles in Category: Whole House Filter

Big Blue 20″ Pleated/Washable Answer: The difference is the media. Not all pleated filters perform the same. The cellulose free, synthetic filter media allows the pleats to handle higher solids loading and flow rates with a lower pressure drop that increases the filter efficiency and life, while reducing the filter change out cost and frequency. […]

Big Blue 20″ Pleated/Washable Answer: The difference is the media. Not all pleated cartridges preform the same!! The cellulose-free, synthetic filter media allows the pleats to retain their form, maintaining a large amount of surface. This allows the cartridge to handle higher solids loading and flow rates with a lower pressure drop that increases the […]

Answer: Solid Carbon Block filters have combined the incredible adsorption capability of carbon, with the ability of a solid block of material to selectively strain out particles from water that is forced through it. The density of the carbon block determines how finely the water is cleaned. This type of filter is designed to prevent […]

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Answer: Depending on the contaminants in your water, the difference could be like night and day. Sediment filters are designed to take out dirt particles. Sediment filters do not take out chemicals etc. The purpose of a sediment filter in a dual whole house is for the sediment to get the larger particles out so […]

Answer: The differences are primarily in the filters and sumps used. Cheap carbon filters use a couple of ounces of carbon sprayed on a wax like paper that is rolled up and covered in netting. There isn’t very much carbon present, hence a short effective life. Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters can channel. This is […]

Answer: 1. Cold Water Line Saddle Valve: Saddle Valve that fits onto the cold water supply line. The saddle valve has a piercing needle that penetrates into the cold water line to supply the water for the RO system. 2. Pre-Filter (s): Water from the cold water supply line enters the RO pre filters first. […]

Answer: DI Cartridges and In-line DI Filters: Deionization removes ions (heavy metals or salts) dissolved into the water. RO membranes: Membranes remove bacteria, virus, metals, salts (ions). Carbon Filters: Carbon block filters absorb chlorine, chemicals and filter particulate matter. Sediment filters: Sediments filter out particulate matter only. The top quality water purification system is built […]

Procedure For Checking Your Storage Tank Pressure: 1. Turn the water off on the RO System’s incoming water line. 2. Open the faucet on your RO System and allow the water to run until the flow stops, then close the faucet. 3. Turn off the tank valve. 4. Is the tank heavy ‑ does it […]